Community DRR Activity 1: Community Slope Monitoring

A one-day workshop to teach communities on how to monitor slopes as a visual inspection and early warning of the signs of landslides.  This program was created in response to the communities’ request for a warning system against slope failures in the area.  While early warning systems depend heavily on public sector investment, a visual inspection system for signs of landslide has been proven effective in other areas of Selangor.

Morning Session: The Department of Mineral and Geoscience (JMG) on geology of the Hulu Langat area and why it was prone to landslides and by the Public Works Department (JKR) on the causes of landslides and basic knowledge about slopes.

Afternoon Session: Participants divided into groups and headed out to two sites in Batu 14 for visual inspection.  At the sites, the government agencies gave briefing on factors that lead to slope failure.

About the Programme

Workshop: ‘Know the Signs of Landslides: Reduce Landslide Risk
through Visual Monitoring’

Venue: Dato’ Nazir Hall, Hulu Langat, Selangor

Date: July 9, 2023


Time Item
9:15 am

“Understanding the Geology of Hulu Langat and Types of Landslide Risks” by Department of Mineral and Geoscience (JMG) Selangor

10:00 am

“Learning about Slopes and Landslides” by Slope Engineering Unit, Public Works Department (JKR)

10:55 am

“Monitoring Slopes” by JKR

11:50 am

“Maintaining Slopes” by JKR

12:45 pm

Briefing on logistics and breakout into groups

2:00 pm

Site visits and observations with briefing by JKR and JMG

3:30 pm

Return to venue

Review of observations (slope failure signs)

4:30 pm

Final tips by JMG and JKR

5:00 pm
End of program