Community DRR Activity 2: Community Evacuation Drill

As one of the lowest-lying terrain in the Hulu Langat sub-district, the areas surrounding Kg. Sungai Serai is often hit with both river and flash floods.  As such, there was a necessity for the residents in this area to become familiar with early warning and public warning systems and know what to do once they receive the alerts.  This need culminated in the implementation of a Community Evacuation Drill, which was an exercise spearheaded by the community members with assistance from the government agencies.

The Drill was a two-day event to have communities (1) become familiarized with community evacuation drill procedures and (2) find out whether the flood sirens can be heard within the community area. Unlike Kapar, the communities in Hulu Langat have conducted evacuation drills but they have been government response drills. Thus, the community evacuation drill is the first such exercise for Hulu Langat.

About the Community Evacuation Drill

Venue (Temporary Evacuation Centre): Taman Sri Nanding Community Hall, Hulu Langat

Date: November 18 – 19, 2023

Number of participants: 125

Pre-Drill Exercise Briefing and Orientation (18 November 2023)

  • Briefing and orientation on upcoming activities for the drill, description of the sirens to be sounded and what actions to take, and explanation of the logistics on the day of the drill

Community Evacuation Drill Exercise (19 November 2023)

  • Implementation of the drill – using a route from the participants’ homes to the evacuation centre
  • Registration
  • Participate in Feedback Session conducted by SeDAR team

Feedback Session

  • The feedback session with the drill participants and the post-mortem session among the Drill Organizing Committee revealed that a database of residents needed assistance during a disaster needed to be created and the efforts were underway to collect information from the community.
  • Also, a list of ‘street representatives’ that acted as emergency coordinators was created


Community members
Village leaders
Local NGO for disaster response
Malaysia Civil Defence Force (APM)
Selangor Disaster Management Unit (SDMU)
