Community DRR Activity 1: Plogging – Trash Clean-Up to Prevent Flash Floods
One of the major issues contributing to flash flooding in Kg. Sungai Serai and the neighbouring areas is blocked drains and waterways. Due to its low-lying location, the area is sensitive to obstructions that would impede proper stormwater flow and conveyance. To demonstrate to the community how clearing the drainage systems and roads of trash, the Village Leader proposed ‘plogging’ (picking up litter while jogging) as a community DRR activity. By making the exercise a family-day event with contests, lucky draws and games together with short talks on DRR, the event was both educational and fun for the whole family.
The event was coordinated by SeDAR and the Kg. Sungai Serai Village Committee, elementary school students, parents, teachers, the Malaysian Civil Defence Force (APM) and the Selangor Disaster Management Unit (SDMU).
About the Plogging Event

Event: ‘Let’s Go Plogging!’ (‘Jom Plogging!’)
Venue: KAFAI (Religious School) Kg. Sungai Serai, Hulu Langat
Date: September 2, 2023
Number of participants: 117
- Participants registered as teams and were told that the team that collects the most amount of trash in weight would win prizes. There were 8 teams of 10 participants.
- Briefing on the plogging route: the route was 2.5 kilometres and took about 30-40 minutes to complete the circuit.
Starting the Plogging
- Participants were briefed on rules regarding time given, designated routes and safety before the start of the plogging.
After the Plogging
- The teams returned with bags of trash to the venue and while waiting for the weighing of the bags and the results to be announced, a briefing on DRR concepts was presented by the SeDAR team for 30 minutes. After that, a quiz was given to the participants to test their knowledge on what was presented.
- The event ended with the announcement of the plogging winners and handing out of prizes.
- The combination of teaching and fun was particularly suitable for the elementary school level participants.
Village leaders
School principal and teachers
Selangor Disaster Management Unit (SDMU)
Malaysia Civil Defence Force (APM)