Community DRR Activity 1: Civil Defence Emergency Response Training (CDERT)

Having been victims of several major landslides in the past, the residents of Bukit Antarabangsa, Ukay Perdana and other communities along Ulu Klang expressed interest in emergency response.  One of the program partners, the Malaysia Civil Defence Force (APM), has a training program called ‘Community-Civil Defence Emergency Response Training’ (CDERT).  One of their objectives is to cultivate a group of community-based auxiliary members to provide local assistance in times of emergency.

The training was conducted by APM and attended by communities within Ulu Klang and the Selangor Disaster Management Unit (SDMU). 31 community volunteers received training on first aid basics, basic firefighting, basic rescue, first responder life support, and evacuation centre management.

Venue and Date

Venue: MPAJ Community Hall Taman Bukit Mulia, Bukit Antarabangsa, Ulu Klang

Date: June 25, 2023

Modules of the Programme

Introduction to the Modules

Basic First Aid: Identifying shock due to loss of blood, types of wounds, and choking and breathing difficulties

Overview of Evacuation Centre Management: Outlining operations of an evacuation centre, roles of agencies, setting-up, safe food preparation, counselling, safety, and amenities of an evacuation centre

Basics on Emergency Rescue: Describing methods of removing and carrying victims in various scenarios

Basics on Firefighting: Explaining the causes and types of fires, the movement and dispersion of heat and flames, methods of extinguishing based on material, and a hands-on exercise


Communities within Ulu Klang
Civil Defence Force Malaysia (presenter)
Selangor Disaster Management Unit (SDMU)
